400/220/110 kV Mikułowa Substation

Stacja Elektroenergetyczna 400/220/110 kV Mikułowa (Poland)

Works on the project started in January 2020 and are planned to finish by December 2021

Investor/Contracting Authority: Polish Power Grid
Project Title: Expansion of the 400/220/110 kV Mikułowa substation for the introduction of the 400 kV line

The expansion of the Mikułowa substation will increase the efficiency of the power grid in terms of cross-border exchange at the voltage level of 400 kV between the power systems of Poland and Germany and improve the conditions for evacuating power from Turów Power Plant.

The 400/220/110 kV Mikułowa substation is located in south-western Poland and is one of the most important elements of the National Power System.  An expansion was required for the Mikułowa substation consisting of the 400 kV switching station.

The scope of work included:

  • Construction of two new line fields in the direction of the Czarna Substation and the Pasikurowice Substation, i.e. assembly of the primary circuits, construction of new secondary circuits
  • Adaptation of the linear field as a new coupling field with the necessary connections with other line fields, autotransformers and phase shifters

Completed works include:

  • Demolition of existing steel structures and prefabricated foundations
  • Assembly of new steel structures, prefabricated foundations, circuit breakers, disconnectors, voltage and current transformers, busbars, AFL conductors
  • Laying control cables with wiring primary circuits and protective devices
  • Testing and commissioning

In the area of ​​the 400/220/110 kV switching station, the investment included:

  • Adaptation of the power supply to meet the optimization of own needs and network code (NCER)
  • Modernization of the station’s external fence with earthing
  • Extension of telecommunications equipment, development, and commissioning of a complete Technical Protection System of the facility
  • Brownfield expansion of a 400 kV substation on a critical outage schedule
  • Optimization of works related to outages of critical elements of the infrastructure of the National Power System

Works on the project started in January 2020 and are planned to finish by December 2021.

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