
400 kV line Storfinnforsen to Midskog

Svenska kraftnät is rebuilding the world’s oldest 400 kV transmission line between Storfinnforsen and Midskog. This is because several wind power plants are to be built in the area around Sollefteå which requires a stronger national grid. 


With a new line, Svenska kraftnät will take better advantage of electricity from wind power and the electricity supplied in the area will become more reliable, efficient and environmentally friendly.


Construction of 400 kV transmission line | Sweden 

Storfinnforsen – Midskog

Victor Energy is performing works between Storfinnforsen in Sollefteå municipality and Midskog in Ragunda municipality on the line that is to be demolished and replaced by a new line on the route.

Towers on the line will mainly be placed in the same locations but with some adjustments, with pre-assembly done under the energized line which requires specific experience in working near high voltage lines that Victor Energy has and is bringing to the project.


Project specifics include:


Project specifics include:


The scope of work includes:​


Works on the project started in September 2020 and are planned to finish by July 2022.

Victor Energy