
380 kV line
Heide West to Husum Nord

Victor Energy brought knowledge and experience in working with stringing of multiple phases with multiple bundle conductor configurations at once. Both 380 kV circuits were strung simultaneously.


Stringing of 380 kV line Heide West to Husum Nord | Germany

Due to its windy coastal location, Schleswig-Holstein plays a special role in the energy transition. In 2016, an installed wind generation capacity of almost 3,400 MW (1,600 MW in the Dithmarschen grid area and 1,800 MW in Nordfriesland) was achieved on the west coast. In Schleswig-Holstein new regional wind plans are also in progress.


High Voltage Network Expansion

By 2025, 37 terawatt hours of electricity are to be generated from renewable energies in Schleswig-Holstein. Therefore, Tennet (European TSO) proceeded with urgent necessary expansion of the extra-high voltage network between the North and Baltic Seas in 5 stages, in which the Heide West-Husum Nord line was a separate stage.


Stringing works on new 380 kV transmission lines:


Both Circuits Strung Simultaneously

Victor energy has completed stringing of multiple sections of 380kV Heide West to Husum Nord transmission line (13 km in total). The project was successfully completed between February 2020 and March 2021.

Victor Energy